Friday, March 27, 2015

Minion Updates: Tracey, Catme Amadali, Meowmi Campbell, Ebony

Pearl:  We've had lots of updates from our former minions students recently.

Meowmi Campbell from the Designer litter
Meowmi is now named Opal.  Opal's update started out scary.  Opal was missing!  Her mom came home to find that the door was broken, the wind had blown it open, and Opal was nowhere to be found.  Her mom was so upset!  Luckily, her mom found her walking the streets in the rain.  Opal is now safe and sound.  She was very sorry that she scared her mom by pretending to be an alley cat.  (It's really not as glamorous as it looks like from the inside.)  She promises not to do it again.  Unless her curiosity gets the better of her.

Catme Amadali from the Star Wars litter
Amadali is now called Lucy.  We got this from her mom:  "She's is too funny! She gets in the kids rooms and drinks out of their water cups. She beelines it in there! It's like we don't give her water or something! She fits so perfectly into our family. Great job fostering her!"

Tracey the Unemployed Cat
This was from Tracey's new mom:  "I loaded a cat game on the iPad. She loves it! She isn't touching the screen yet - but she was entranced. She came out purring while watching. Got some good behind the ear scratches (she is so soft). She has the sweetest purr!! She would never be so open this soon if it wasn't for all the love she got from you and your babies! It is super tiny baby steps but we are super patient and crazy about her!!"

Ebony wasn't a foster cat but he was my Valentine.  Ebony just went home with one of the wonderful volunteers at Great Plains SPCA in their foster-to-adopt program.  Here is what Ebony had to say about his first night:  "Well good morning from Ebony. This is morning #1 after my first night in my new home. My people are pretty cool (well the woman is - but I already new that cause she always called me her boyfriend). But the man must be ok cause he wasn't jealous at all and he has been spending lots of time sitting and talking to me. My room is pretty cool, they even have a little room for my litter box (the woman called this my own outhouse but I know it is really a closet in my bedroom). I spent a lot of time free roaming around the house and discovered there are 2 others like me living here already, they are girls and girls are uky so I don't know if I am going to like them or not. But they seem to live on the other side of this glass door, maybe I'll get to know them more later. The woman is called Mom and she knew I would be kinda scared last night so she came in and we watched TV together in my room. Then she spent the night with me. I started out at the bottom of the bed but I like to snuggle so I kept moving up the bed until I was right against her belly. Around 4:30 this morning the man (called Dad) got up and put those girls back behind the door and opened up my door to let me come out. Mom was still sleeping so I finally went back to bed and took a nap. When she went in to her own room I got on her bed and found 2 windows that I can see out of. There are birds and squirrels just like out of the window in my room. Well I think that is all for now. I'll write to you again later. And don't worry, Mom says you can come visit me any time, we only live 5 minutes away from Great Plains (that's a really great place isn't it - all those people who loved me and took care of me are really neat)."

Thanks for the updates everybody!  We love keeping in touch!