Saturday, June 6, 2015

First #SundaySelfies for the Furreign Exchange Students

We would like to introduce you to the Furreign Exchange Students.  Well, we can't actually introduce them yet.  They don't meow in English so we have no idea what their names are.  As soon as we figure it out, we will let you know.


This post is part of a blog hop hosted by The Cat on My Head.  Please hop on over and check out the other entries.


  1. Oh littles, those are some very fine first ever selfies. I predict that the two of you kittens who needed help with your selfies will become the most fabulous of super models and scoff/hiss at ever having needed help!

  2. Those are the youngest selfies I've ever seen. Kitten #3 is showing a beautiful set of whiskers!

  3. We used to have three kitties from Germany, since we lived there and they moved back to the USA with us. They learned to meow in English just fine.

  4. Those are the cutest little kittens! We can't wait to learn their names!

  5. Cuteness overload! They are precious.

  6. Super squee! So adorable!

    Happy #sundayselfie
    Annabelle,Boo,Ping and Mr Jinx

  7. They are so cute!! How about Miguel for a name? Or Nicholai?

  8. They already look like they've developed purrsonalities! xxx

  9. Parlez-vous kittenese? Too cute!

  10. They're born selfie makers and very cute :D Pawkisses for a great week :) <3

  11. What precious babies. How old are they? We can't wait to find out their names. The second kitty looks so much like our angel brofur, Skooter. Teach them well! Thanks for being a participant in our blog hop. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  12. My goodness, they are totally cute in any language!!!

  13. Wow, those are the cutest selfies!

  14. We hope you are teaching them proper Pawglish guys, a well spoken kitten is real talent! Start with squeeks and progress to meows slowly but steadily!
