Saturday, July 29, 2017

An Encore Performance

The band is back together at Purr's Training Acatemy for an encore performance.  They were neutered (more on that later) on Thursday.  While they were there, they were tested for FIV.  Unfortunately, three out of the four tested positive for FIV.  Because of this they were retested.  They are back with us while we are waiting the results from the lab.

Hopefully, the test will come back negative but even if it doesn't that doesn't mean the kittens have FIV.  Kittens can carry FIV antibodies from their mother for up to six months.  They do not necessarily have the actual virus. When testing they check for antibodies not the virus.  So even if these results are positive, they will keep testing over the next couple months to see if they've shed the antibodies from their mother.

Unfortunately, Kansas where we are located is the only state in the country that doesn't allow shelters to adopt out FIV+ cats.  If the results from the lab come back as positive, the Beatles Kittens will need to be transferred to another state.  Any shelter or rescue group outside of Kansas want four super sweet possibly FIV+ kittens?  ;)

I promised to tell you more about the Beatles Kittens being neutered.  Everyone but Paul was neutered on Thursday.  Don't worry!  Paul was altered as well but SHE was spayed.  Paul is actually Paula.  That's right!  Paula is a girl!  We don't know what the Mama saw when she checked the gender but she missed that one and didn't check again.  Oops!  Surprise!


  1. Mom screws up gender all the time. :) Hopefully they throw it...if not keel us posted and we will help spread the word.

  2. Hope all turns out well for these sweeties !
