Thursday, July 25, 2019

Meow Meetup Adventures - Cat Cafes

Friday before Meow Meetup, the rest of our cat blogger friends arrived in Chicago.  We decided to check out all the cat cafes Chicago has to offer.  And by we I mean the Mama, my Cousin Callan and our cat blogger friends.  Definitely not me!  I was hanging out under the bed in the hotel.

First stop was Treehouse Humane Society.  Yes, an animal shelter has a cat cafe!  Actually, Treehouse only has cats.  They've been in this building for two years and boy, is it spectacular!  Tons of natural light!  Cool cat trees!  They even have catios off of each of the cat rooms!  Treehouse adopts out around 800 cats a year.

Our blogging pal, Alana from Cat in the Fridge works at Treehouse.  She gave them a tour of the facility.  She also introduced them to Leonardo Pescatore, the cat that has vowed to wear a chicken hat until he is a adopted.  Technically, I suppose he is still wearing the chicken hat since he hasn't been adopted yet.  You can read his story here.

After the tour, they hung out in Treehouse's cat cafe.  They had a great time meeting the cats there!


Second stop was Windy Kitty Cat Cafe.  In case you are unfamiliar with a cat cafe, it is a place where you pay to hang out with cats and all the cats are available for adoption.  It is a great way to get your cat fix if you live in a place that doesn't allow cats.  Why you would live in a place that doesn't allow cats is beyond me!  If you do live in a place that allows cats, cat cafes are a good place to hang out with cats to help you decide which one to take home.  Some cat cafes have food and drink.  Some like Windy Kitty do not.  Windy Kitty does have a kitten nursery which is cool.


Last stop was The Catcade.  If the Catcade looks familiar, it is!  The Mama went to the Catcade last summer for their cat yoga.  You can read about that trip here.  The Catcade doesn't serve food but you do get a beverage with your reservation.  The arcade theme to this cat cafe is a lot of fun.




The Mama and her friends had a great time visiting all these cat cafes!  Don't worry about me.  I was fine back at the hotel.  I got extra treats!


Stay tuned for more of my adventures at Meow Meetup!

Make sure you read all the Meow Meetup Adventure posts!


  1. Great photos. That looks like a nice place.

  2. Wow, your mom and our other cat blogging pals got to visit some awesome cat cafes while they were in Chicago. We are glad you got to stay and relax at the hotel while they did, Gus. :)
