Sunday, August 13, 2017

Oh My Gravy! Weruva BFF OMG! 'People Food for Cats'

Gus:  With International Cat Day happening on August 8, and Happy Healthy Cat Month in September, now is the perfect time to address the 'cat in the room'—and that's your feline friend's diet. I'll be the first to admit my own diet isn't 'purr'fect.  I only like fresh running water.  As a result, I'm not nearly as hydrated as I need to be.  This can lead to urinary tract issues.. I struggled to understand how I could address this issue. After all, the Mama won't leave the faucet on all the time.  But then I realized I wasn't alone—I was just experiencing one of the three most common cat concerns: picky eating, weight gain, and urinary tract issues. 

I learned about the Big 3 by partnering with Weruva —a luxurious, natural pet food dubbed "people food for cats" which is launching a full line of gluten, grain, and carrageenan-free cat food in honor of International Cat Day. It's called B.F.F. OMG! (that stands for Best Feline Friend, Oh My Gravy), and it's all about preventing these Big 3 Cat Concerns.

If your cat has any of these, you might want to consider changing their diet: 
>> Is your cat picky? Picky eating is usually a problem with texture, since cats are carnivores whose tongues and teeth are perfectly evolved for meat-eating. It's easy to see why a cat might dislike something without real shreds of meat—would you eat a steak with the texture of tapioca? Weruva's food features these shreds of real meat right off the bone, which is why I cat took to it like a duck to water (or a cat to gravy)!
>> Got a fat cat? The problem is in the kibble. It's filled with unnecessary carbs, which are almost impossible for cats to process (they don't produce amylase, an enzyme which helps humans digest their food). Weruva’s B.F.F. OMG! has no kibble to worry about because it’s 100% real meats in their true form. 
>> UT-why? Urinary tract issues often stem from dehydration—even if you're giving your cat plenty of water. In the wild, cats stay hydrated through the food they eat instead of what they drink. Cats are used to 'eating' their water—but most wet foods don't have nearly enough hydration to keep them satisfied. All of the products in Weruva's B.F.F. OMG! line are over 85% hydration, which satisfies my hydration needs.

I love Weruva products because they are considered ‘people food for pets.’ The new line of B.F.F. OMG! cans and pouches feature land proteins like boneless and skinless white chicken breast, salmon, beef, duck, lamb and more. All recipes are grain, gluten, and carrageenan free. And if you are a BPA-free home, check out the pouches because they are are BPA-free. Best of all, the Beatles Kittens and I love it!

Weruva sent us a BFF OMG bundle.  It included some Skittles and sticker for the Mama and a couple toys and delicious food for us kitties to try. 

Health isn't just for humans, and I'm glad I took the time to learn how to eat healthy. Even better, in the process, I found a great new food. I don't have a favorite flavor, but you can read about them all at You can also explore the whole B.F.F. OMG! lineup there, and find a flavor your cat will 'paw'sitively adore, at

Has your cat experienced one of the Big 3 Cat Concerns? Share your experience in the comments!

Disclosure:  We received the Weruva's BFF OMG bundle free in exchange for our honest review.  We only share information that we believe is relevant to our readers.  


  1. Sounds like that stuff was a hit all the way around. Good AND good for you kitties! :)

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